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The EUROPARTNER®2.0 software is the strongest engineering software to calculate flanged connections based on EN1591-1, ASME Div. 1 s.VIII, AD 2000 Merkblatt and EN13445-3 Annex G and using possibilities given by gasket characteristics according to EN13555.

Engineering software EUROPARTNER® project was started 15years ago. It is widely used by designers and service companies to select proper flange joint seal and calculate correct bolts load and tightening torque. Moreover, it allows to calculate the whole flange joint as regards strength. The program contains all major calculation algorithms compliant with:

  • EN 1591-1:2013
  • EN 1591-1:2009
  • EN 1591-1:2001
  • ASME Code Div. 1 s. VIII
  • AD 2000 Merkblatt B7/B8
  • EN13445-3 Annex G
  • WUDT-UC-WO-/19:10.2003

Using the algorithm EN1591 the designer, by selection of appropriate tightness class, can determine reduction of emissions generated by the selected seal. Thus, the joint is designed in the way compliant with requirements of such environmental protection regulations as IPPC Directive, TA-Luft and Clean Air Act.

Usage e of the EUROPARTNER® program as an engineering and expert tool constitutes a part of generally applied and recommended ”Best Available Techniques” and “Good Engineering Practices”.

The EUROPARTNER®2.0 is the only flange joint gasket software with constantly upgraded database – making designing process much quicker and efficient.

Powerful database data with geometrical values of gaskets, flanges, faces and bolts and characteristic quantities of steel materials enables fast designing without looking these values up in relevant standards.
The database is subject of constant upgrades and developments which are freely delivered to software users. Naturally, if any modifications of values included in the database is requested - designer is free to implement necessary changes or even define own data characteristics and parameters.

List of EUROPARTNER®2.0 key advantages is longer:

  • Automatic, real time calculation of output quantities that enables continuous control over the correctness of entered data.
  • Adapted rule of entered data hints maximization (expert function) however, the program finally does not impose anything. Such functionality gives the designer the possibility to perform necessary modifications of standard components.
  • Full direct control through the critical data panels system, allowing to check the whole project correctness on a current basis.
  • Configurable prints taking into account all input, output and intermediate data. They also contain all important drawings of joint components.
  • Same user interface regardless of calculation standard used.

System requirements:

  • Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • approx. 700 MB free hard drive memory for application and databases
  • min. screen resolution 1024x768
  • broadband internet connection

The EUROPARTNER®2.0 users may choose from three subscription packages (GOLD / SILVER / BRONZE) available for two subscription periods (3months / 12months).

For those who want to try the software before buying – we offer a DEMO version that should be an opportunity to try the program in action.
Feel free to contact our EUROPARTNER® Team if you need any support or assistance concerning this engineering tool.